Top 15 B2B SEO Trends in 2024 : Boost Your Digital Strategy

Jayakumar Muthusamy
May 17, 2023


The SEO landscape is ever-changing. 

And staying updated with B2B SEO trends is crucial to growing in the competitive B2B space.  

The talk around SEO often involves Google’s algorithms. In fact, several companies consider SEO to up their Google algorithm game. 

However, this approach doesn’t work for long. SEO is about giving users what they look for, and Google’s primary goal is to provide the best user experience possible.

So, if your content falls short or your site isn't user-friendly, you won't rank. Hence, the secret to mastering SEO is an integrated approach focusing on creating top-notch content and presenting it on a flawlessly performing site.

Now that we've set the stage, let's dive into the captivating B2B SEO trends for 2023 that will help you stay ahead of the curve.

15 B2B SEO Trends and What They Mean for B2B 

B2B (business-to-business) SEO refers to the search engine optimization strategies specifically designed to improve the online visibility and search rankings of businesses that cater to other businesses. As the digital landscape evolves, new trends emerge to enhance the effectiveness of B2B SEO efforts. Here are five B2B SEO trends that have gained prominence:

1. Focus on Search Intent and Topic Clusters

Search queries have drastically improved over the years. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) has significantly impacted search rankings. And because of this, search queries are now easily understood. 

Search engines have become better at understanding context and user intent, so B2B marketers need to create content that addresses their target audience's pain points and informational needs. So, when optimizing for keywords, ask these questions:

  • Is the keyword transactional because the searcher is purchase-ready?
  • Is the keyword informational for searchers to learn more about their options?

Once you know what your audience is trying to get from a given query, you can curate content to address their queries. 

Hence, understanding user intent and organizing content around related topics has become increasingly important. 

Another aspect that you must consider is the content structure of your website. Topic clusters consist of a pillar page that covers a broad topic and cluster pages that delve into related subtopics. This structure helps search engines understand the relationships between content and can improve the overall ranking.

2. Emphasis on E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness)

Google's E-A-T principle is one of the most critical 2023 SEO trends for B2B, as search engines prioritize content quality and credibility. 

B2B marketers should use the EAT framework for their content. That means showcasing their expertise and authority in the industry by providing well-researched, accurate, and valuable content. This is what Google looks for in content. If it adheres to the EAT principle, the content is well-written, valuable, and will thrive in the long run. 

Hence, create content that establishes trust with potential clients. Share testimonials and case studies, and display security certifications on websites.

3. Voice Search Optimization

With more than 1 billion voice searches taking place monthly, optimizing content for voice search is one SEO trend in 2023 that you must follow. 

To cater to voice queries, focus on long-tail keywords, conversational language, and structure content in a Q&A format. 

For instance, a user typing a search query might type “B2B SEO trends in 2023”. But when using voice search, the user may ask, “what are the latest B2B SEO trends in 2023?”. So, optimizing content for long-tail keywords is essential. 

Also, ensure that your website loads quickly and is mobile-responsive, as 27% of the global online population uses voice search on their mobile devices.

4. Multitask Unified Model (MUM) is the Future

MUM is a powerful update and is one of the most interesting B2B SEO trends in 2023. This update blows past match content and assesses the context, feelings, and abstractions. MUM can analyze images, texts, and videos to answer complex search queries.

Let’s take an example by Google to understand MUM better. 

Consider this scenario.

A user hiked Mt. Adams and wants to hike Mt. Fuji next autumn. They want to know how to prepare differently. Currently, Google can help the searcher, but that would take a few thoughtfully framed questions about mountain elevation, temperature, hiking challenges, preparation, the right gear, and more. In short, the user can get a clear picture after a few searches. 

But with the MUM update, the searcher can ask only one question - “I hiked Mt. Adams, and I want to hike Mt. Fuji next fall. What should I do differently to prepare? This one question will be enough for MUM to answer all the user queries covering all aspects. 

5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning algorithms are increasingly shaping the search landscape, and you must adapt to these changes to create solid B2B marketing strategies. 

Using AI-powered tools, you can gain insights into their target audience's behavior, preferences, and search patterns. Additionally, machine learning can help optimize content, identify relevant keywords, and predict user intent, allowing you to create a more targeted and effective B2B SEO strategy.

6. Google will Rewrite Titles

Another SEO trend in B2B that most marketers talk about is the sudden Google title tag update. Last year, Google created chaos in the SEO space by automatically updating several post titles in search. Though Google did reverse the move, for now, the Google title tag update is still very much in the plans. This B2B SEO trend is sure to make search hassle-free for users. 

7. Core Web Vitals Will Play a Significant Role in Ranking

This B2B SEO trend has been around since 2021 when Google prioritized Core Web Vitals as the newest ranking factor. This is a collection of three metrics that play a significant role in ranking content in the SERPs. The three metrics include:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) - LCP is the time taken to render the largest content element visible on the page right from when the user requests the URL. These elements often include videos, images, or text blocks. According to Google, the ideal LCP is 2.5 seconds or less. 

First Input Delay (FID) - This metric measures the time between a user interacting with a page (clicking a button, link, etc.) and the browser’s response to their interaction. It plays an important role in ranking pages that prioritize interactive content. The ideal FID for a website should be 100 milliseconds or less. 

Cumulative layout shift (CLS) - CLS refers to unexpected layout shifts during page loading. Suppose a user has been reading a page for some time, and the page shifts suddenly because of slow-loading elements. This can largely impact your CLS score. 

8. Semantic SEO

As SEO trends and techniques evolved over the years, in 2021, Semantic SEO became the talk of the town. The focus on search shifted to understanding the behavior and intent behind search queries.

Semantic SEO involves optimizing content for the meaning and context behind search queries. Hence, B2B marketers should focus on understanding and addressing their audience's informational needs, using structured data markup and entities to help search engines better understand their content.

In short, stop creating content around keywords. Instead, dig out broader topics in your niche and craft comprehensive and in-depth content.

9. Long-Form Content

Longer content produces higher search rankings. A study by SerpIQ suggests that longer content dominates the first page of the search rankings. The study involved a run-through of the content length of the top 10 results in search queries. 

graph of Average content length in top 10 search results


The first result had 2416 words, and the 10th one had 2032 words. So, long-form content, typically over 2,000 words, can be considered significant for rankings as it allows for more in-depth coverage of topics and adds value to the audience. 

Hence, following the B2B SEO trends in 2023, marketers should create more in-depth content like comprehensive guides, whitepapers, and case studies to establish authority and improve search rankings.

10. Featured Snippets and SERP Features

Another B2B SEO trend in 2023 that B2B marketers should follow is optimizing their content for featured snippets and other SERP features, such as image packs and local packs, to increase online visibility. 

Featured snippets usually appear at the top of the results page or mix into the search results. They significantly impact the organic click-through rate. According to Ahrefs, featured snippets get around 8% of all organic clicks.

11. Diverse and Inclusive Content

Inclusivity and diversity are other aspects of the B2B SEO trends that content marketers should care about. In a 2019 survey, it was found that 64% of the respondents took some action after seeing an ad they considered as inclusive or diverse.

Creating content that appeals to a diverse audience for B2B SEO is necessary. Marketers should use inclusive language and imagery, address the needs of various industries and roles, and ensure their content is accessible to people with disabilities.

For example, Microsoft uses in-depth storytelling to highlight its initiatives like Inner-City Computer Stars. This program provides young adults from low-income communities with the tools to build the technical and leadership skills required for a technical career. Similarly, the #YouBelongHere campaign by TE Connectivity showcases their worldwide staff with diverse experiences and backgrounds.

12. Omnichannel Marketing Approach

This is another B2B SEO trend that marketers must watch out for. B2B marketers should integrate their B2B SEO strategy with digital marketing channels like social media, email, and paid advertising, to provide a consistent brand experience and reinforce their messaging across platforms. 

Using omnichannel marketing tactics can ensure B2B companies reach out to several potential customers. Integrating tools, live chat, email software, and other solutions can help you build an effective omnichannel strategy. 

13. Mobile-First Indexing

According to the latest B2B SEO Statistics, 60.67% of all web traffic came through mobile phones.

With most searches occurring on mobile devices, B2B marketers must ensure their websites are optimized for mobile-first indexing. This involves having a responsive design, optimizing images, and ensuring content is easily navigable on smaller screens.

However, note that the mobile-first index is about convenience when satisfying user intent. It is not only about user-friendliness. 

Consider questions like,

  • Does the user intent behind the search query call for a concise or quick answer?
  • Is it challenging for the user to find the answer on the webpage?
  • Does the page allow comparison between different product options?

Now, answer these by adding phrases on mobile devices, desktops, and more. 

14. Local SEO and Google My Business

In 2022, 87% of consumers used Google to find local businesses, compared to 81% in 2021. So, B2B marketers must focus on local SEO to stay relevant to their local leads. 

For businesses catering to local clients, B2B marketers should optimize their Google My Business listings, target location-specific keywords, and collect positive reviews to improve local search visibility.

15. Content Collaboration and Co-Marketing

Collaborating with industry influencers, partners, or clients on content creation can help B2B marketers expand their reach, generate valuable backlinks, and improve their authority. 

According to a report by the Content Marketing Institute, 92% of marketers believe that their organization views content as a business asset, making collaboration an essential part of their marketing strategy. A few examples of collaborative content include webinars, guest posts, and joint research reports.

Why do you Need to be on SEO Trends?

Staying up-to-date with B2B SEO trends is crucial for businesses to maintain a competitive edge in the digital landscape. Search engines like Google continually update and refine their algorithms to provide the best user experience and most relevant search results. By keeping up with the latest SEO trends, you can:

Improve Search Rankings - Adhering to the latest SEO best practices helps ensure that your website and content remain relevant, authoritative, and optimized for search engines. This can lead to improved search rankings and increased visibility for your brand.

Enhance User Experience - Several B2B SEO trends focus on providing a better user experience (UX), such as page speed, mobile optimization, and content quality. By staying current with these trends, you can create a more seamless experience for your website visitors, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Adapt to Algorithm Updates - Search engine algorithms continually evolve, and not keeping up with these changes can negatively impact your search rankings. By staying informed about SEO trends, you can quickly adapt to algorithm updates and maintain or improve your search performance.

TripleDart believes in staying up-to-date with the latest B2B SEO trends. As a B2B SEO agency, we ensure staying ahead of the curve. Hence, we help businesses comply with the evolving algorithms.

Final Note

Following B2B SEO trends in 2023 is about staying relevant to your target audience. It is about giving your audience what they’re looking for. 

As you build your SEO strategy, focus on what your users want. Build a user-focused strategy to get the desired results for your business. 

Need assistance with your B2B SEO strategy? 

Book a call with us now!

Jayakumar Muthusamy
Jayakumar Muthusamy
Head of Content and Analytics at TripleDart Digital

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