Pipeline Marketing

What is Pipeline Marketing? 

Lead generation has evolved into pipeline marketing, which considers the complete sales funnel in terms of revenue. The term "pipeline marketing" refers to the combined efforts of various channels, initiatives, and activities to increase engagement and expand the sales funnel. Directly measuring marketing's success requires linking the origin of a lead to the amount of money realized with each close.

The objective is to boost sales and revenue. It encourages collaboration with sales, helps sales and marketing work together toward the same goals, and gives marketing a more tangible way to show how it contributes to revenue. Marketers may increase their marketing return on investment (MROI) and secure funding for future initiatives with pipeline marketing.

If, for instance, sales and marketing data reveals a problem with lead qualifying in the sales pipeline. A digital pipeline marketing strategy focuses on qualifying leads and advancing them to the next level of the sales funnel rather than focusing on creating additional leads. One example is changing the lead magnets you employ to collect information from interested and likely clients.

Why is the Digital Marketing Pipeline Important in SaaS?

The goal of marketing pipeline strategy is to increase the size of the conversion-rate-positive middle and bottom portions of the sales and marketing pipeline. Sales pipelines, like marketing and sales funnels, are most exhaustive initially and narrow at the end when leads finally commit to buying. Achieve an integrated, engaging, customer-centric approach that better qualifies leads and closes more sales by bringing together sales and marketing operations under a unified lens of the sales pipeline.

As a result of its focus on lead generation rather than the pipeline's middle and bottom stages, pipeline marketing also aids businesses in overcoming the "numbers game" idea. If your conversion rate is 5%, you may expect more money from a larger pool of leads. Since the top of the funnel is so vast, the bottom is so small, and the cost per opportunity is so high, this generates a classic "sales funnel" (CPO).

Reduce the cost-per-acquisition (CPO) by employing a pipeline marketing approach that increases the sales pipeline's size and efficiency and improves its effectiveness. The cost per opportunity can be utilized as a KPI for both the marketing and sales departments once they are brought together. Assuming the sales and marketing departments have been successful, a low CPO is a positive indicator of success.

 How to Calculate the Digital Marketing Pipeline? 

The digital marketing pipeline coverage ratio is calculated by dividing the value of all opportunities expected to close during a specific period by the goal for that period.

For the sake of argument, assume that we have a $1,000,000 annual sales goal and $3.5,000,000 in agreements expected to close this year. As a result, our pipeline has a coverage ratio of 3.5.

A Salesforce report showing the whole length of the pipeline is required for this calculation. Finally, split the requisite amount by the funnel's worth.