Marketing Automation

What is Marketing Automation?

The marketing automation process refers to streamlining repetitive tasks through automation. Marketing automation software manages routine tasks without the need for human intervention. It is designed to simplify and make manual tasks easier so that businesses can focus more on real growth strategies.

An example of marketing automation would be automating sending promotional emails, follow-ups, and welcome email series to customers using email marketing software. 

Why is Marketing Automation Important in SaaS?

Most importantly, marketing automation helps SaaS businesses increase efficiency and employee productivity. According to research, marketing automation improved business productivity by an average of 20%.

Here are three reasons why marketing automation is important in SaaS.

Seamless Customer Journey

The marketing automation process enables SaaS businesses to tailor-made customer journeys. With automated marketing, your leads enter the sales funnel and progress through each stage without much manual effort.  

Example - A prospect comes across your SaaS product through a social ad; they click on it, land on your website, get chatbot assistance, and book a demo seamlessly with automation.

High-quality Leads

Marketing automation can boost your lead generation and help you capture more qualified leads. To generate leads at scale, SaaS businesses can create a lead magnet and a signup form and place them on the most-visited website page. They can also use CTAs to direct leads from ads to the signup form. 

Further, SaaS companies can also use lead-generation chatbots, PPC campaigns, and lead-gen tools to generate high-quality leads. 


Marketing automation also enables SaaS businesses to personalize content, campaigns, and product recommendations based on the online behavior of the target audience or their specific characteristics. As a result, personalized interactions can drive your revenue significantly.

How does Marketing Automation help Marketers?

Marketing automation tools and technologies can replace manual processes and save time and resources. They can manage the daily repetitive tasks and the tactical work, allowing marketers to utilize their resources in strategy building and problem-solving.

Marketing automation also enables marketers to make their campaigns more effective. They can plan and execute their campaigns more seamlessly. Managing customer data, analyzing them, cleaning up duplicate records, and launching campaigns is easier with marketing automation. Without automation, carrying out these tasks manually is time-consuming.