Coach by tripledart

EP03: Unlocking Remarketing Secrets: Maximize Marketing Impact Across Channels

March 26, 2024
2pm UTC | 7:30 PM IST
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Guest Speakers
EP03:  Unlocking Remarketing Secrets: Maximize Marketing Impact Across Channels
Silvio Perez
Founder @ AdConversion | Ex-Metadata

EP03: Unlocking Remarketing Secrets: Maximize Marketing Impact Across Channels


This webinar is best for

Join our third episode of Coach to unlock the secrets of Remarketing Beyond Conversions. Delve into the realm of maximizing marketing impact across channels as we explore crafting a comprehensive remarketing strategy with precision and efficiency. Discover how to go beyond conversions, impacting every stage of the customer journey.

Things you'll learn

Crafting a Multi-Channel Retargeting Strategy: Learn how to harness the potential of platforms like LinkedIn, Meta, YouTube, and Twitter to create a comprehensive remarketing strategy that drives results.

Optimizing Offer Mix for Remarketing: Discover the ideal mix of offers tailored for effective remarketing campaigns, ensuring maximum engagement and conversion.

Targeting and Exclusion Parameters: Gain insights into the recommended targeting and exclusion parameters for each channel, optimizing your campaigns for precision and efficiency.

Remarketing Beyond Conversions:  Explore how remarketing can impact various stages of the customer journey, beyond just conversions.



Silvio Perez
Founder @ AdConversion | Ex-Metadata


Director of Growth at TripleDart
Coach by tripledart

EP03: Unlocking Remarketing Secrets: Maximize Marketing Impact Across Channels

March 26, 2024
2pm UTC | 7:30 PM IST
Watch Now
Guest Speakers
Silvio Perez
Founder @ AdConversion | Ex-Metadata

Things you'll learn

Crafting a Multi-Channel Retargeting Strategy: Learn how to harness the potential of platforms like LinkedIn, Meta, YouTube, and Twitter to create a comprehensive remarketing strategy that drives results.

Optimizing Offer Mix for Remarketing: Discover the ideal mix of offers tailored for effective remarketing campaigns, ensuring maximum engagement and conversion.

Targeting and Exclusion Parameters: Gain insights into the recommended targeting and exclusion parameters for each channel, optimizing your campaigns for precision and efficiency.

Remarketing Beyond Conversions:  Explore how remarketing can impact various stages of the customer journey, beyond just conversions.



Silvio Perez
Founder @ AdConversion | Ex-Metadata


Director of Growth at TripleDart